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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Helpful Steps To Be a Good Employee " UConnective Training Team "

" Being a successful employee is similar to running a sole proprietorship with low risk and limited customers. You listen around for what your primary customers (boss) wants to get out of you. Then, you learn and actually get yourself to accomplish the requested tasks. Here are 20 tips and more on How to survive and keep your job. "


Behave professionally.

This is a business, not a playground. People talk, and workers know the difference between a person who is fun to work with and a person who is always fooling around. Fun means a good personality, a joke or two, and a smile. Fooling around is wasting your time and that of others, being frequently off-task, and often being seen standing in the workspace of others instead of in your own.

Learn to take criticism gracefully.

 It will provide you with valuable ideas about what people expect from you, any weak areas, and what you need to work on first. If a boss or coworker criticizes you in a way that hurts or angers you, wait until you cool/calm down and ask them if you can talk with them. Tell them how you felt, but tell them that you would like to fix the issue and want them to talk with you about what needs to be changed.

Learn to do your job, and do it well.

 Whether it's menial and tedious, or tough and high-paying, learn how to do the job, regardless of how difficult you think it might be. Salary is most commonly based upon years of experience, your ability to do your job, tenure with the company, and your educational background. If you don't know how to do something, go find out; don't make excuses for why you didn't do it.

Cultivate good relationships with the people in your organization; they are the experts in their departments.


Treat all co-workers with courtesy, respect, and kindness because they hold more power than you realize, and your reputation with them matters. Do not hang out with other employees who mistreat, disrespect, or talk down to others.

When you get the opportunity to learn a new skill, receive training for a different activity, or take a study course paid for by your employer


Cross-training, new skill sets, and further education show that you are intelligent and value life-long learning. If push comes to shove, and people are let go, you stand a better chance of being retained than those who can only do one thing.

Maintain a clean job performance record.


Do a good job, show up on time, keep a good attendance history. When you find out someone has been let go, you often find out later that there were underlying circumstances that led to their dismissal--including frequent absences, missed deadlines, reprimands for unprofessional behavior, or too many customer complaints. If you don't do that, you don't have room to negotiate.

Be on time.


 Always arrive early. Be at least 15 minutes early every day. That way, if you are running late, you will be on time. If you have to park far away, you will walk in and still not be late. If your client is early, you will be there to greet him or her, and not leave someone waiting for you - even if you arrive on time.

Ask your supervisor what the expectations for productivity are.


 This will immediately make you stand out from 95% of the other employees. Mean what you ask and follow through on your promises.

Be part of the solutions.


 Quit whining about what's wrong and start being vocal about what's right! A positive attitude goes a long way with many supervisors. When you go to the boss with a problem, go with at least one suggestion in mind for a solution. Even if the boss doesn't take your suggestion, you will look like a problem-solver, not a complainer. Your boss has their own private lives to leave at the door, so do you. If you keep piling on the emotional baggage, then your boss may see that you can't balance your personal life from your work life. They will not approach you when they want to ask employees about perhaps open door advice when it comes to work related group efforts.

Be quiet and work.


Quit gossiping and get to work. Your employer is not paying you to gossip. Of course, you want to establish a good rapport with your co-workers, and a little chatting is inevitable and desirable. But spending a half hour regaling your co-workers with your previous evening's adventures will not make your boss love you. When one of you is talking a lot, two of you are not working a lot. Note: if your boss walks by and two of you are talking, no big deal, but wrap up the conversation so that the boss won't see the same sight on her way back. The same goes for a group of you. If you are part of a group who is talking when the boss walks by, discreetly excuse yourself to return to your area after a few seconds. If your boss hears that you are gossiping behind their backs or planning a secret meeting to approach your boss is not the solution. This may just make you look like a instigator or conspirer.

Always be productive.


 Don't let paper sit on your desk for days on end. Get the work done and move on to the next thing as quickly as possible.

Don't dress like your co-workers, dress as well or better than your boss.


 Close-toe shoes, full-length slacks, and shirts that don't show cleavage or chest hair are your best bet. When in doubt, don't wear it.

Hold your head high and be confident.


 A calm, assured energy will take you much farther than carrying yourself in a hunched up ball.

Volunteer or be active in projects to get the job done.


 Don't worry about who gets credit - your boss knows much more than you think. Be a team player. In addition, volunteering allows you to choose the part you will play. If you don't choose, chances are it will be chosen for you. Either way, you'll be responsible for some facet, so be one of the first to step forward when you can.

Don't spend a lot of time on personal phone calls.


 Work is for work. This includes phone calls from spouses. If your calls are put through by a receptionist or secretary, rest assured that they will not hesitate to tell others that you get personal calls "all the time".

Stay late, even if it is only 15-20 minutes.


 People notice who runs for the door at 5:30 pm. One of the best uses of this time is to organize your work space for tomorrow. Take a moment to put away loose papers, empty coffee cups, wipe down surfaces, and locate things you'll need.

Offer junior employees guidance and encouragement.


 Offer to show them the ropes or offer training tips. 

Remember how it felt to be the newbie. Be a mentor. If you are not sure someone understood something, be willing to ask if they need assistance. Don't do the work for them, teach them instead. Be careful what you say to new employees; don't air your grievances, frustrations, or interpersonal conflicts. Don't gossip.

Acceptance is the Key.


 Don't argue a lot, your boss's opinion is always right for her or him, so if you found something wrong, try to understand your boss's perspective, but without arguing. Use a good and quiet way to understand the problem point. You may just realize that things happen for a reason and not necessarily not for a season. Policies are implemented for reasons of the good of the whole.

Be appreciative, always say thank you whenever a boss or a co worker does something good to you, it will always motivate them to do more good to you.

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Step By Step Guide To Rebuilding Your Self-Worth " UConnective Training Team "


Are you satisfied with yourself?  Are you truly confident in your relationships with others (not just on the outside)?  When you think of yourself, do you think of the good things first?  Do you truly believe you are worthy of success, and have the confidence to go out and act like it?

1.   Step Back


The first thing you need to do to rebuild your self-worth is to step back from your current life.  You may need to take a day off to do this… and I mean a day off of everything.  No work, no school, no family…
This is a day to just be alone and be able to leave the rest of the world behind.  You spend enough of your time and energy on the rest of the world… take some time to just let all of that go.

2.   Understand Your Independence


Ironically, low self-worth almost always comes from other people… in a way.  Low self-worth is very nearly always the result of your perception that someone, a person in whom you have invested a lot of your time and energy, doesn't respect or doesn't love you.  You may even be wrong… they may respect and love you, but that doesn't matter… it's your perception that counts.
The key here is to understand that you are independent.  No one else has any control whatsoever over who you are…. even if someone does or says something horrible to you, it only changes who you are if you choose to have it do so.  The choice may be subconscious, but it's still there.
That means that your worth is also independent of everyone else.  Your worth only comes from you… because who you are only comes from you.

3.   Let Go Of Pain From The Past


Once you have begun to understand your independence, it's time to start letting go of the pain from your past.  You can start with the big things, the ones that caused the low self-worth in the first place, or you can start with the little things, as they ease the overall burden, freeing up more resources when you work on the big ones.
Letting go of mental pain is seldom easy or painless… but when you let go of something big, the sheer relief of not dragging it around with you any more can be amazing.  Letting go of one really big thing can change your entire perspective on life.

4.   Discover Who You Really Are


The next step, after you start dealing with your pain (you certainly don't have to, and probably shouldn't, wait until it's all done), is to figure out who you really are.  That means figuring out what your core values are, the things that really deep down inside are what drive you.
You can find this by sitting down by yourself, in a time and place that you won't be interrupted, and writing down each thing that comes to mind as a possibility, without thinking about it.  When they stop coming so fast, look back over what you've already written down, and see if there are any that simply don't belong (there probably will be), and if there are any recurring themes (like helping people who need it).  Write down any new ideas inspired by looking back over the list, and keep going until you're down to things where you can feel, not think, that they are right.

5.   Make Like/Dislike Lists


After you discover who you really are, at your core, the next thing to do is to look at the next layer up, the things that overlay that core.  That means coming up with things that you like and things that you dislike about yourself.  Try to find something that you do like for each thing that you don't like… it will help to keep you from focusing so much on the bad things.
When making these lists, it's a good idea to break it down into pieces… for example, when I did this myself, I used three categories:  physical, mental/emotional, and personality.  When making the list for physical, try not to focus too much on things that you can't change (like your height) and stick to the ones you can, like your grooming, or your physical fitness.

6.   Make An "I Want To Do" List


After you make you list of likes and dislikes, you can move on to making a list of things you want to do.  This can be things that are purely want, like learning to play guitar, or things that improve upon the things that you put on your dislike list, such as exercising (if you don't like your physical fitness).
My "want to do" list includes things like eating better, exercising more, writing a book (3, actually… already have ideas for two and started one a long time ago), and cooking more.  It's considerably longer than that, but hopefully that will give you some ideas of the range of things you can put on this list.

7.   Take Action On Each Dislike


Whether it's on your "want to do" list or not, for each dislike that you listed in step #5, you need to find an action that moves you in the direction you want to go.  The hardest part about changing yourself and becoming who you want to be is the first step… once you get moving in the right direction, it's much easier to continue that path.
One thing to keep in mind, though, is that you don't need to make massive changes all at once… in fact, that can be counterproductive.  Small steps still get you a little momentum in the right direction, and they add up without exhausting you.

8.   Get Started On Your "I Want To Do" List


Fun is important, too… don't make everything work.  Pick some of the fun, unimportant things off your "want to do" list and get started on them.  Sign up for classes, buy the necessary equipment, or whatever else you need to do, and get started.
Fun and creativity are extremely important… they are, in a sense, "rest" for your mind, and any time you want to grow, physically or mentally, rest is important.

9.   Evaluate Your Progress


So now you've made all these changes, and taken action, and started doing things that are fun and make you happy… it's time to step back and evaluate how far you've come.  Look at not just the visible difference, but also the difference in the way you feel.
Looking at how far you've come, especially if you write it down, too, can really help you to keep going.  Sometimes it's easy to focus on the destination, and only see how far away it is, rather than looking at where you started from, and how far you've come since then.  That kind of focus, on what you haven't done, rather than what you have, can sap your motivation, your energy, amazingly quickly.

10.                Repeat As Needed


This isn't a one time process… you're going to need to go through most, if not all, of it again at some point.  And that point is probably going to come sooner than you think… in fact, you're likely to only realize afterwards that you should have already started again some time back.
It's easy, sometimes, to switch from being in gear to being in neutral, and just letting your life glide along.  If you don't take active control, though, things will start slipping away… your self-worth, your passion, your energy, and your success.
Your self-worth is probably the thing that affects your quality of life the most… because true quality of life is in your perception of life, not in abstract numbers.  Even if you have okay self-worth, if you follow the steps listed above, it will grow stronger.

And so will you.

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